
Jennifer Richard Honors Students

Jennifer Richard returned to the University of New Hampshire on February 6, to recognize undergraduate students for outstanding academic performance. Jennifer presented to students, faculty and staff at the Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics, giving an inspirational and informative presentation focusing on “Five things I wish I had been taught in business school.” Cynthia Nizzari-McClain, External Relations Manager for the College, praised Richard for her time and inspirational words to the students, saying “She is truly a role model for students.”

Jennifer graduated from the University of New Hampshire Whittemore School of Business and Economics (now known as the Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics) in 1989 prior to graduating from the Franklin Pierce Law Center (now known as the University of New Hampshire School of Law) in 1994. She is a partner at Drummond & Drummond, LLP where she has practiced since 1995, concentrating in Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Administration, and Business Succession Planning.

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